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Common faults and solutions of ashing furnace

Time:2024-09-05 Click:0

The ashing furnace (also known as high-temperature muffle furnace) may encounter some common faults when processing organic samples, and these faults and their corresponding solutions can be summarized as follows:
Common faults and solutions
Heating element malfunction
Fault phenomenon: The ashing furnace cannot heat up or heats up slowly.
Possible reasons: Heating element breakage or aging.
Solution: Replace the heating element. This requires professional personnel to operate to ensure that the replaced components are compatible with the equipment and installed correctly.
Thermocouple malfunction
Fault phenomenon: Inaccurate temperature display or malfunctioning temperature control.
Possible reasons: thermocouple breakage, damage, or poor connection.
Solution: Replace the thermocouple and check if its connection is secure. Ensure that the thermocouple is correctly inserted into the furnace and secured, and block the gap between the hole and the thermocouple with high-temperature resistant materials such as asbestos rope to prevent heat loss.
Overtemperature protection triggered
Fault phenomenon: The ashing furnace suddenly stops heating and displays an over temperature alarm.
Possible reason: The furnace temperature exceeds the set upper limit, triggering the over temperature protection mechanism.
Solution: First, check if the set temperature is too high due to misoperation, and then wait for the furnace to cool naturally to below the safe temperature. Check and eliminate the causes of overheating (such as excessive samples, abnormal heating elements, etc.), and reset the temperature before restarting.
Controller malfunction
Fault phenomenon: The controller cannot work properly, such as inability to set temperature, inability to start, etc.
Possible reasons: Internal faults in the controller, power supply issues, or connection circuit problems.
Solution: First, check if the power supply of the controller is normal, and then check if the connection line between the controller and the electric furnace is secure and undamaged. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to replace the controller or contact professional maintenance personnel for repair.
Furnace dust accumulation
Fault phenomenon: A large amount of ash adheres to the inner wall of the furnace, affecting the heating effect and sample processing quality.
Possible reasons: Long term use without regular cleaning or samples containing a large amount of volatile substances.
Solution: Regularly clean the furnace to remove accumulated dust and residue. Attention should be paid to safety during cleaning to avoid high temperature burns and damage to the furnace structure.
Power and circuit faults
Fault phenomenon: The ashing furnace cannot be started or stops working immediately after starting.
Possible causes: power line malfunction, blown fuse, or controller circuit issues.
Solution: Check if the power circuit is connected correctly and undamaged, and if the fuse is blown and replaced in a timely manner. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to check the controller circuit and contact professional maintenance personnel for repair.
preventive measure
Regular maintenance: Regularly maintain and upkeep the ashing furnace, including cleaning the furnace, checking the wear of heating elements and thermocouples, and promptly replacing damaged components.
Correct use: Use the ashing furnace correctly according to the operation manual to avoid misoperation and overload. Pay attention to observing temperature changes and sample status during the heating process, and adjust heating parameters and sample position in a timely manner.
Safe operation: Pay attention to safety precautions during the operation, such as wearing protective goggles and gloves. Avoid prolonged stay or touching of heat source components in high temperature environments.
The above measures can effectively reduce the failure rate of the ashing furnace and extend its service life.

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