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What is the difference between an atmosphere tube furnace and a regular tube furnace?

Time:2024-07-22 Click:0

There are significant differences between atmosphere tube furnaces and ordinary tube furnaces in multiple aspects, mainly reflected in their working principles, heating methods, application scope, temperature control, and furnace atmosphere control.
1. Working principle
Atmosphere tube furnace: By controlling the composition of the atmosphere inside the furnace during the heating process, such as oxygen content, humidity, and pressure, specific heating effects can be achieved. This furnace type can simulate various atmospheric conditions such as reducing, oxidizing, or neutral, meeting the heat treatment requirements of materials under different atmospheres.
Ordinary tubular furnace: mainly relies on heating elements (such as resistance wires) introduced into the tubular container to heat the workpiece. Its working principle is relatively simple, mainly heating the workpiece through the heat generated by the electric heating element.
2. Heating method
Atmosphere tube furnace: usually uses a combination of radiation heating and conduction heating. The thermal radiation generated by the heating element is directly transmitted to the workpiece, while the thermal conduction of the furnace atmosphere also plays a heating role. This heating method can heat the workpiece more evenly and improve the heat treatment effect.
Ordinary tube furnace: mainly heats by conduction or radiation of the heat generated by energizing the heating element. Its heating method is relatively simple and may not meet the heat treatment requirements of certain special materials.
3. Application scope
Atmosphere tube furnace: Due to its ability to accurately control the atmosphere inside the furnace, it is widely used in processes that require specific atmosphere conditions. Such fields as metal processing, sintering, ceramic manufacturing, semiconductor processing, etc. These fields have high requirements for the microstructure and properties of materials, and atmosphere tube furnaces can meet these requirements.
Ordinary tube furnace: mainly suitable for general heating treatment processes. Such as high-temperature heat treatment, molten metal, glass manufacturing, and other fields. Although these fields also require high-temperature treatment, the requirements for atmosphere control are relatively low.
4. Temperature control
Atmosphere tube furnace: temperature control is more precise and flexible. Through advanced temperature control systems, precise setting and stable control of furnace temperature can be achieved. This is particularly important for processes that require precise temperature control.
Ordinary tube furnace: Temperature control is relatively simple. Although temperature regulation within a certain range can be achieved, it may not be able to meet certain high-precision and high demand process requirements.
5. Furnace atmosphere control
Atmosphere tube furnace: equipped with furnace atmosphere control function. By introducing different gases or adjusting gas flow rates and ratios, various atmospheric conditions can be simulated. This feature is crucial for processes that require a specific atmosphere environment.
Ordinary tube furnace: usually does not have the function of controlling the atmosphere inside the furnace. The atmosphere inside the furnace is mainly determined by the external environment and cannot be precisely controlled.
In summary, there are significant differences between atmosphere tube furnaces and ordinary tube furnaces in terms of working principles, heating methods, application scope, temperature control, and furnace atmosphere control. When choosing heating equipment, comprehensive consideration should be given to specific process requirements, working environment, and production scale to ensure the selection of the most suitable furnace type.

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